It's time to relearn some of the basics.
We've spent years putting together courses that will help you become the best version of yourself.
All our courses are open-level, self-learning and interactive.
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Mind Body Breath
How do we connect the various parts of us that make us whole? How often do we think about our mind-body-breath connection? Regardless of what we’re doing or how we’re feeling, we think, we breathe, we move, almost subconsciously.
So what happens when we start to pay attention? When we command our body? Who do we become when are in connection with ourselves?
It may sound so simple and that’s because it is! Simply paying attention to ourselves and moving with intention can cultivate a sense of ownership over our lives.
Rower, Sitter, Driller
Ever wonder why certain people make you feel certain ways? Like the friend who always leaves you feeling a little worse for wear? Or maybe the teacher whose kind words pushed you into actually pursuing your passion? Or even the teammate who is more than happy to just go along with your idea - whether they're bad or good?
We've all encountered Rowers, Drillers & Sitters in our lives without even knowing it. This course aims to help you identify these individuals in your life, giving you the tools to manage them (& yourself!) better to cultivate relationships that actually make you feel good.
You may not have heard of Rowers, Sitters, and Drillers before this, but trust us, once we shine a light onto this theory - you're not going to be able to stop spotting them!